2011年8月14日 星期日

[八卦] 好萊塢首席偵探打破沉默(上)




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Hollywood Hacker Breaks His Silence 

Inmate No. 21568-112 settles into a blue plastic chair inside the gymnasium-size visitor center at Big Spring Federal Correctional Institution, clad in a beige jumpsuit that matches the color of the dead grass surrounding the prison. Beyond the barbed wire lies the town of Big Spring, Texas (population: 25,000), a dusty, godforsaken former Air Force town pockmarked with shuttered businesses, fast-food joints, and four other detention and correctional facilities. The town’s biggest claim to fame was its supporting role in the 1969 best picture, Midnight Cowboy: this is the place Jon Voight’s character calls home, until he heads off to Manhattan to become a hustler.

位在大思普林城(Big Spring)的聯邦懲戒所,一間健身房大小的探視中心,囚犯編號21568-112坐在一張藍色的塑膠椅子上,穿著米色的連身服,顏色如同監獄周圍乾枯的草一樣。在鐵絲網外的德州大普林斯城,人口只有兩萬五,寸草不生、是個被遺忘的空軍基地,只有歇業的店家、速食連鎖店、以及另外四個拘留所和懲戒所。這個地方最出名的,是在1969年最佳影片<<午夜牛郎>>(Midnight Cowboy)當中,Jon Voight的角色稱此處為家。

And now it’s home to the hustler named Anthony Pellicano, self-styled Detective to the Stars, whose Soprano persona and win-at-any-cost tactics made him the No. 1 guy that Hollywood actors, suits, and their attorneys turned to whenever they had a problem. A big problem. The kind of problem where big bucks and bigger egos were at stake. With a Louisville Slugger in the trunk of his car and a computerized phone-hacking system in his Sunset Boulevard office, Pellicano dug up dirt on his clients’ enemies and helped make those problems go away—whether it was the embittered spouse of a mogul, an inconvenient gay lover, or a nosy journalist. That is, until he allegedly hired someone to intimidate the wrong nosy journalist—Anita Busch of the Los Angeles Times—and the FBI got involved, blowing the lid off the biggest wiretapping operation this side of Watergate.

然而現在這是安東尼(Anthony Pellicano)的家了,他自稱為明星偵探。獨到顯眼的作風與不計代價的的特色使他成為業界的第一把交椅。不論什麼時候遇到麻煩,好萊塢演員們以及他們的律師總會求助於他,尤其是遇到真正的大麻煩時那種牽扯極大利益與權貴的超級大麻煩。他的後車廂有一隻 Louisville Slugger球棒,在好萊塢日落大道的辦公室則有一套電腦監聽系統。安東尼替他的客戶找尋敵人的瘡疤,好讓這些大麻煩能消彌於無形。不論是被虐待的名人配偶,或是不能曝光的同性戀人,或是消息靈通的狗仔隊,他都能搞定。直到他涉嫌雇人脅迫了一名Los Angeles Times的狗仔記者-- Anita Busch,因為FBI介入調查,這宗大規模的竊聽行動才曝了光。

On this 106-degree summer day, Pellicano has agreed to his first sit-down interview since going to prison in 2008. His case has long since disappeared from the front pages, replaced lately by the News of the World quagmire that has tarred Rupert Murdoch, David Cameron, and Scotland Yard. The way Pellicano sees it, the British phone-hacking scandal is kid stuff. “I was way ahead of my time,” he says. What’s the big deal about some tabloid hijacking Hugh Grant’s voicemails? “If Murdoch’s name wasn’t involved, would there be a story? If someone wiretapped Britney Spears, no one would care. The story is, did Murdoch know people were doing this? Did he condone it? I strongly believe he had no idea.”

在高達41度的豔陽天,安東尼在2008年入獄後首次同意面談。關於他的消息已經很久沒在報紙上曝光了,取而代之的是媒體大亨梅鐸(Rupert Murdoch)身陷的竊聽風暴。安東尼怎麼看待這場風暴呢?他覺得這時再是小兒科,他說:我根本就遙遙領先。一家小報紙持有休葛蘭的語音郵件是什麼了不起的事嗎?如果梅鐸的名字沒有被牽扯進來,誰會管這些事?如果有人竊聽小甜甜布蘭妮,誰管他呢?這件事情的重點在於,梅鐸知不知情,他容忍這些事情嗎?我認為他根本不知道。

Pellicano claims never to have lent his services to any of Murdoch’s newspapers, and says he met the mogul only once, “but it had to do with Judith Regan,” his former longtime friend, who was fired from News Corp.’s HarperCollins in 2006. (Regan says she never introduced the two men.) “If News of the World called,” he says hypothetically, “I would ask the editor, ‘Why would you want me to do that? Are you stupid?!’ The guy at News of the World was just getting leads for stories.” Pellicano boasts that “I was the top of the ladder. Just to talk to me it cost $25,000. These guys were stringers who worked with reporters to try to get information on a celebrity!”

安東尼宣稱,他從來沒有被梅鐸的報社雇用,他只遇過梅鐸一次,但那是是與Judith Regan有關。(他的長期好友,2006年被新聞集團的HarperCollins解雇,但她宣稱從未介紹安東尼與梅鐸認識)。安東尼說:如果我是梅鐸,News of the World(梅鐸旗下報紙)打電話給我,我會跟他們的編輯說你希望我怎麼做,你是白癡嗎?這樣在這個事件中成為焦點的就是News of the World的人了。安東尼驕傲的說:我是這個業界的佼佼者,光是與我對談就要花兩萬五千美元。這些人都是為了得到名流的消息而與記者一起工作的工人。

Now 67, Pellicano looks trimmer than the paunchy figure in the double-breasted suits and patent-leather shoes he wore during his trial. His blustery temper seems to have subsided: gone are the days when he would toss a plate of spinach across the dining room at Le Dome because the garlic was chopped instead of sliced. He affects an air of Zen-like calm: you can envision him spreading out on a yoga mat and stretching into the downward-dog pose. He spends his days writing haiku, playing chess, and doing crosswords.

Before the convict was cooling his heels with more than 1,700 other inmates here in Big Spring, his milieu was the liposuctioned underbelly of Hollywood Babylon. “If you saw the stuff I found in celebrity homes: cocaine, heroin, Ecstasy, vials of narcotics. There was a doctor shooting up celebrities with morphine for $350.” His job was to keep the lid on such indiscretions. He liked to boast that he lived by omerta, the Mafia code of silence. “When you are my client, you become my family,” he says, and his clan included Michael Jackson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Farrah Fawcett, Kevin Costner, Courtney Love, Chris Rock, and über-agent Michael Ovitz, just to name a few. “That was the attitude I kept. I wasn’t really a P.I. I was a problem solver. People came to me because they had a problem. The government wanted me to turn on them.”
在他被定罪而被囚禁在這1700人的監獄前,他就是好萊塢王朝的最大的弱點。他說:如果你看到那些我在名流家中所找到的東西,像是古柯鹼、海洛因、搖頭丸、瓶裝迷幻藥。還有醫生收取350美元的費用幫名人注射嗎啡……。他對自己守口如瓶的生活方式感到驕傲,用義大利黑手擋的術語來說,就是” omerta”。『當你成為我的客戶,你就是我家族的一份子。這是我一定會保持的態度,我專門解決問題。人們因為有問題而找上我,但政府卻要我曝光這一切。』(這些客戶包括麥可傑克森、阿諾、法拉柯西、凱文柯斯那、克里斯洛克….等等,這還只是一小部分。)

In the end, Pellicano didn’t rat out anyone, and the collective sigh coming out of Hollywood was stronger than any Santa Ana windstorm. And he’s still sticking by his code. Sort of.

Throughout the course of the two-and-a-half-hour interview, Pellicano lets slip one tantalizing tidbit after another. Describing the scene when the FBI raided his office, he says, “They come to my business…I have personal stuff on Arnold…If they found that stuff, he never would have been governor.” But he declines to elaborate, and later refuses to say whether he knew anything about Schwarzenegger having a love child with his maid. “I can’t say one way or another if I knew it,” he says. As for Schwarzenegger’s soon-to-be ex-wife, Maria Shriver, “Would I have told her? Probably not.” Schwarzenegger’s attorney was unavailable for comment.

Pellicano says he once quashed a story headed for the National Enquirer about a male superstar who liked to play with a female sex toy. But he refuses to name names. He boasts about how he discredited an erotic wrestler who claimed he’d had an affair with Tom Cruise. “There was no truth to it,” Pellicano says. “He wanted to extort money.” (Cruise sued the man for slander and reportedly won a multimillion-dollar default judgment.) Later in the interview, Pellicano reveals that when he agreed to work for Jackson during the star’s 1993 child-molestation case, he warned Jackson that he’d better not be guilty. “I said, ‘You don’t have to worry about cops or lawyers. If I find out anything, I will f--k you over.’ ” The detective took the assignment, but says, “I quit because I found out some truths…He did something far worse to young boys than molest them.” But he refuses to say anything more about it. It’s as if Pellicano wants to send Hollywood a reminder: I know which closets hold the skeletons.
安東尼說,他有一次平息了雜誌National Enquirer的報導,那是關於一個喜歡用女性情趣用品的男星。但他拒絕提供任何訊息。他自豪的說他如何逼退一位宣稱與湯姆克魯斯有外遇的色情摔角手。『那完全不是事實,他只想要勒索。』(據傳阿湯哥告他誹謗,並因對方不出席而勝訴,獲得幾百萬。)緊接著他又透露了有關麥可傑克森的消息,1993年麥可被控對小孩性侵,他警告麥可說他最好不要被定罪,並對他說:『你根本不用擔心警察或是律師,如果我發現這事情是真的,我會先____你。』。安東尼接下了這個委託,但他表示『後來我不幹了,因為我發現了真相他對年輕小男孩做了遠比調戲更糟糕的事情。』但他拒絕談論更多。他是在對好萊塢傳達警告:我知道哪個衣櫃有哪些髒東西。

